A History of Line Puffers

by Alan Hensel

Back in 1993 and '94, Hartmut Holzwart was busy tweaking his search program and generating large quantities of c/2 spaceships. He sent one of his ordinary batches on March 11, 1994, and I was playing with it a few days later. As a primitive means of destroying the end of spaceships to find independent components, I put something near the tail end of one of the spaceships. To my amazement, however, only a small 3-cell piece (which I would later rediscover as a "puff suppressor") came off, and the rest of it started to puff!

Spaceship: The first line puffer:

I had stumbled on a puffer. After a little bit of research, I realized that this might be unusual, so on March 30, I reported it:

I haven't seen it mentioned here, but one of Hartmut's more recent c/2 p2 spaceships makes a versatile puffer.

When I said "versatile", I simply meant that I could add middleweight spaceships to modify the puffs. I had no idea that I had just stumbled on the first line puffer, and just how extensible and chaotic it could be.

The width of this first line puffer was 7. On April 6, David Bell reported a similar puffer of width 5, which is so small that it just puffs a line of blinkers. On the same day, Hartmut Holzwart wrote, "How the engine works is easy to see" (in hindsight, he was right, but I had missed it), and he proceeded to post several puffers with larger engines. That was the point at which we realized that we were onto something: if these small widths made great puffers, imagine what kind of chaos you could get from a width of 100 or more. You wouldn't need to build random chaos generators into Life programs anymore; Life would have a random chaos generator as a pattern.

That's when I began to play with David Bell's search program, and combine the results with some of Hartmut's other p2 results in order to try to construct a fully extensible version. On April 7, I posted the first line puffer with fully extensible width by multiples of 12. For the engineering side of things, all that was left was to optimize the size of the supporting spaceships, and find ways to generate any width.

The results were inspiring. Bill Gosper wrote:

This line puffer is a fantastic, endless mural. When the technology is cheap enough, it would make a great museum hallway, (wall or floor), a few hundred cells high and a few thousand long, drifting back at about walking speed.

There didn't seem to be much more to say about line puffers, until Tim Coe came along.

On Oct 9, 1995, after running line puffers for long periods of time in a Life program specially designed to measure the period of these objects, Tim Coe announced that some of his puffers eventually blew up, and in fact, line puffers are generally unstable with a half-life somewhere around 100 million generations. Even if their instability didn't come as a surprise, their extreme longevity did.

Here is his explanation:

The dominant operating mode of line puffers is period 4. The immediate exhaust alternates between a 2 X ~N block of on cells followed two generations later by a 4 or 5 X ~N block of on cells. Occasionally this phase reverses itself. During the process of reversal part of the line puffer is operating in one phase and part of it is operating in the other phase. In both of the failures that I have currently observed the line puffer decay was associated with the defect between the two phases propagating to the edge. You can see the phase reversal begin at roughly generation 2600 of the pattern that I included.... One of the defects propagates to the edge resulting in engine failure 800 generations later.`

Here is the line puffer that blew up (okay, so it's not quite the Hindenburg or the Space Shuttle Challenger, but you can see the similarity):

Now, to surprise those who might arrogantly claim that it is not surprising at all for the line puffer to be unstable, since it is such an object that generates so much chaos, about six months later on May 3, 1996 Tim Coe unveiled a solution which seems to completely fix the instability:

About six months ago I reported that the line puffer was unstable. Off and on I have tried to come up with a fix for the instability.... It turns out that almost all of the bits and pieces of this new line puffer were previously known. My search program just put them together in a new way.

Here is the new and improved puffer that Tim Coe submitted, which to the best of our knowledge is probably completely stable and extensible:

Here is the same puffer width and tail end, with the most robust of the previously known technology (this blows up pretty soon after liftoff):

And finally, here is what Tim Coe set out to accomplish in the first place: tabulated results for the period of each puffer width up to 79. This clearly shows the ease with which the line puffer is capable of generating exponentially greater amounts of chaos, out of a simple linear extension of its width:

width   |   period
    3   |       68
    4   |       12
    5   |       16
    6   |       20
    7   |       60
    8   |       40
    9   |       40
   10   |       32
   11   |       24
   12   |       72
   13   |      192
   14   |       80
   15   |      160
   16   |       64
   17   |       32
   18   |      576
   19   |     1444
   20   |       32
   21   |      352
   22   |      156
   23   |     1704
   24   |      652
   25   |     2676
   26   |      772
   27   |      436
   28   |     3524
   29   |     3324
   30   |     1888
   31   |     8092
   32   |      404
   33   |    12760
   34   |    13440
   35   |     9780
   36   |     2016
   37   |    26632
   38   |    49496
   39   |     8524
   40   |    14616
   41   |     6828
   42   |    20720
   43   |    17008
   44   |    82504
   45   |    87156
   46   |    51708
   47   |    84792
   48   |   236440
   49   |    27972
   50   |    44648
   51   |   494130 - First width not divisible by 4
   52   |   176372
   53   |    58824
   54   |   164016
   55   |   648322
   56   |    19468
   57   |  1148226
   58   |   444116
   59   |  1958442
   60   |  1829026
   61   |  2490924
   62   |   132668
   63   |  3345734
   64   |  2281420
   65   |  5943130
   66   |  4049360
   67   |   968224
   68   |  6850600 - Dangerous phase reversal destroys old type of puffer
   69   |  2670012
   70   |  5969432
   71   |  2451428
   72   | 20792526
   73   |  4486066
   74   | 53256252
   75   | 68165050
   76   | 39700624 - Dangerous phase reversal destroys old type of puffer
   77   |  2352060
   78   | 25447390
   79   | 66357038

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