Comments for loggrow.lif

t log(t)
Population in generation t is asymptotic to  t log(t)/48.
More specifically, for  n >= 2,  the population in gen  60n  is

.                  n           n - m          n - m + 4
. 5747 + 247n + 5 SUM (2 floor(-----) - floor(---------)).
.                 m=1            4m               4m

Three breeders and two puffers create a sequence of large period
guns; the N'th gun has period 240N.  In gen t there are about
t/60 finished guns, which have emitted about t/(240*1) + t/(240*2)
+ t/(240*3) + ... + t/(240*(t/60)) ~ t log(t)/240 gliders.
Dean Hickerson,  11/13/90
Xref: breeder

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