Dean Hickerson's Game of Life page
Links to other people's Life and CA pages
Here are some patterns, mostly ones that I built, in RLE format:
- Oscillators
- Stamp Collection
(Collection of 650 oscillators known by 1995)
- New billiard tables
(Billiard tables found from 1997 to 1998)
- New billiard tables (2008)
(Billiard tables found in 2008)
- New billiard tables (2009)
(Billiard tables found in 2009)
- Signal injectors
(Collection of 2c/3 and 5c/9 diagonal signal injectors)
Crystal and decay oscillators
- Back and forth fuse
(p1200 oscillator with a pi heptomino moving through a line of blinkers)
- Glider guns
- Period 30N guns
(Based on 2 p30 streams colliding)
- Wobble gun & pseudo kickback
(Gliders modify p30 guns)
Period 44 and 50 guns
Period 132 gun
- Cyclotron
(Period 874 gun based on 3-glider collision)
- 3 Herschel-based guns
(Gliders create Herschels, which emit gliders)
- Puffers
Period 8 puffers
Period 20 puffers
Period 24 puffers
Period 36 puffers
Corderman spaceships and puffers
- Sawtooth patterns
A sawtooth pattern is one in which the population is
unbounded but does not tend to infinity: At certain times it returns to some
fixed value. Most sawtooths are "exponential": There's some number F,
called the "expansion factor", and two numbers A and B such that, in
generations around t = A*F^n, the population is small, while in generations
around t = B*F^n, the population is proportional to t.
- Tractor beam sawtooth patterns
(Diagonal with e.f. 6 and orthogonal with e.f.s 6, 11, and 21)
- Sawtooths based on bouncing spaceships
(Diagonal with e.f. 4 and orthogonal with e.f. 25)
- Sawtooth with external timing
(e.f. = 2; by David Bell)
- Parabolic sawtooth
(This one is not exponential.)
- Hacksaw
(Sawtooth with e.f. 9 based on p8 blinker puffer)
- Breeders
Two p60 breeders
Unusual Corderman-based breeder
Pufferless breeder
- Unusual growth rates
Three patterns with (apparently) irrational linear growth
- Life computes pi
(Population is ~ (pi-2)/720 t^2)
- Sqrt gun 10.1
(Population is ~ C sqrt(t))
- Sqrt gun 3.0
(Population is ~ C sqrt(t))
- t^1.5
(Population is ~ C t^(3/2))
- Caber tosser
(Population is ~ C log(t))
- log(t)^2
(Population is ~ C log(t)^2)
- t log(t)
(Population is ~ C t log(t))
- t log(t) by stifled breeder
(Population is ~ C t log(t))
- t log(t)^2
(Population is ~ C t log(t)^2)
Irrational density pattern (Population is ~ C t^2, with C = (3-sqrt(5))/4320)
t^(1/3) pattern (Population is ~ C t^(1/3), with C = (75/16)^(1/3)
- Glider syntheses
2, 3, and 4-glider syntheses
Still-life syntheses by David Buckingham
Still-life syntheses by Dean Hickerson
Billiard table syntheses by David Buckingham
- Miscellaneous
- Ruler pattern:
produces the sequence: 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 5 ...
- Jagged lines:
jagged lines of gliders crash to form a jagged line of block pairs
4 breeders produce cloud-like regions made of gliders
- Collection of glider eaters
- Methuselahs
- Reburners
(Output of puffers is reburned at a slower speed)
Exponential and linear aperiodic patterns
- Block pusher 5
(Bounded population, aperiodic pattern. Closely related to sqrtgun 10.1)
- Primer
4 patterns which compute prime numbers, 1 by me and 3 faster ones by Jason Summers
- Pi heptomino conduit
Pi heptominoes move at 3c/10 between pentadecathlons
p30 stream crossing
- p30 PRNG
(Pseudo-random glider generator)
Spiral decay pattern
Downstream crystal
Patterns formed from the digits of numbers
Alan Hensel's decimal counter
- Other rules
Slow alien spaceships (and a breeder)
Spiral and polygonal growth in B34568/S15678